Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Gun Discussion

So, I guess it’s time to talk about the 800 pound gorilla in the room.

I have been characterized by some as a bleeding heart, flaming leftist liberal. Who knows? But I have discovered something. My thoughts and views about hot-button topics? Well, there's been some movement.

"But Joe", You say. "That can’t be true. You’re so far left, you make the Kennedy’s blush." Well, maybe not that liberal. But I'll give it the old college try.

Here's what I'm getting at.
Has anyone noticed there is very little civilized discourse in the world anymore? There are no real conversations going on. It’s always left against right, pro-this versus anti-that. If one could hear above the screaming, there might be something positive to discuss.

And then there are the tree huggers. But I digress.

Worse yet? While others are screaming, our elected officials, state and national, are not talking to each other.

Why is that?

Simply put, no one wants to give an inch. It’s, "I’m right, and you're not." There can be no middle ground. I see it everyday in politics, religion and who should replace the panel on American Idol.

For example, I was talking at length this weekend with my sister’s husband. Politically, we stand apart. But as we talked we discovered—maybe not so much.

We both have certain expectations of our elected officials. We both want to see this country continue to succeed and continue to be the greatest nation on earth. But we can’t aspire to that lofty perch without being willing to give a little to gain a lot.

Today our state and national politicians are at each other’s throats. One side wants this, and the other wants that. Egging them on are big money lobbyists and PAC’s, political pundits and entire networks. And where there’s money, there’s legislation. Or lack thereof. Oh, and did I mention the ads. They point in the same direction.  There can be no compromise. There will be NO compromise.

And I ask, “Why not?”

Apparently, I am not the only person asking.

Let’s start with guns. Not gun control. Just guns. We have endured another national tragedy in the theatre massacre in Aurora, CO.

The question is asked, “why?” Why do we need AK-47’s and other high velocity weapons? (Be honest, some of you want to stop right here and start howling about the  peacenik, pinko, socialist, with commie leanings, who wants to hand over our freedoms, and then the country, to the first out-of-work dictator with his hand out.)

Read on McDuff.

There are a lot of scared people out there that have never used, or had access to firearms. They aren’t familiar with guns of any kind, and their only real understanding of them comes from the resulting tragedies of Columbine, West Virginia, and now Aurora, CO.

The resulting answer comes from gun enthusiasts who basically go all ballistic on them. Gun-owners fear, rightfully so, that with every nut job that gets together a small armory of high-velocity, assault-style weapons and takes out unarmed, defenseless citizens, they will lose an important and necessary right. The right to bear arms.

I don't think it has to be that way. Nationally, groups such as the NRA, and locally, gun and hunt clubs, need to reach out and educate that part of the population who don’t hunt and don’t understand gun culture. Don’t shove it down their throats. Do it in small steps. Reach out to those willing to listen.

But it is a two-way street. Those who don’t understand have a duty here as well. They need to listen. To be open to understanding what gun ownership is all about. Don’t fear law-abiding gun-owners. They may be the only thing standing between you and surviving the next massacre.

There is going to have to be some movement on both sides to develop laws that allow those who wish to buy, collect and use firearms to do so. At the same time make it difficult for those who would use them to take the easy and violent road to achieve anarchy.

In conclusion:
Gun owners need to understand that some people aren’t ever going to keep, or use guns. I know, it seems wrong on so many levels. But, they're allowed to, same concept, different end of the looking glass. Deal with it.

Those who don't believe in guns, you need to understand. You might not want, or see a need, for firearms in your home. Good for you. Not everyone else shares you view. Deal with it.

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