Saturday, May 1, 2010

Blah, Blah, Blah

On Schutte life stage, it’s all improvisation

Nothing in life goes exactly as planned. Wouldn’t it be grand if a plan actually came together? Life would be too easy if that were even remotely the case.

I’m not saying having goals in one’s life is somehow wrong, or a study in futility. Goals are good. Possibly even necessary–and at times highly over-rated.
The question remains, what happens to us if even the best laid plans are not achieved? Or we fall short on expectation? Does life as we know it end? Are we somehow viewed as less an individual in the eyes of others; when these so-called goals are not achieved? I would venture not.

In our own minds we have great anticipation of where life will lead us. Or at the least
where we expect life to lead us. However, it all becomes more clear and focused as we discover that we are leading life–life isn’t leading us.

Even in my cluttered and twisted mind it can be no other way. But it has taken many years, a marriage, two distinctly different career paths and careful introspection to understand. Not that life doesn’t have a certain amount of say in the matter. That point became more than evident when I was staring unemployment straight in the face. Totally unexpected.

The fact remains, in order to live life, we must take life by the reigns--and not the other way around. Life is a work in progress. The rules change and bend depending on circumstances and need. And we react accordingly.

There are rules?

Ultimately we begin our biographies with a clean slate and fill it in the blanks along the way. We get a little, or a lot, of coaching from parents, teachers, friends and family. Yes, even the church plays a role.

There are no better rules than the ones handed down by God in her many manifestations. For me and mine it’s the Ten Commandments. (Others may follow different paths, but I believe the destination is always the same.) My greatest fault is that I have a tendency to treat certain commandments as suggestions. I am not perfect. As I am sure God is well aware!

Sealing the deal is that favorite aunt or uncle who never played by the rules, injecting a little bit of crazy into our lives just to keep it interesting. Sometimes they are the best of all role models, depending on who is judging!

It’s not a level playing field out in the real world, either. Thankfully most of us come to the table armed with a willingness to learn; to work hard for the things we want; to keep an open mind and--most importantly--a conscience.

Others have been told all they need to do to make it in this world is take what they want, by hook or crook. Be ever diligent, they may want what is yours. The evening news is rife with such stories. Can you say, “Bernie Madoff?” Why work for it, when it can be taken by brute force--or otherwise?

Life, and the world in general, would be so much simpler if we all played fair and all went according to plan. But it doesn’t and it won’t. Plans are highly over-rated.

One time free offer

Advice is free and usually unwanted. Which makes this a doozy! I am passing on this little gem to you (as if I need to): More often than not, in life, we must abide by one of these three basic principles: stick to the plan; improvise; or fake it.

I have decided to improvise.


Welcome to my blog. It is a big departure from my weekly column at the L’Anse Sentinel. Here, as a good friend pointed out, I can be more free with my thoughts, without worrying too much (okay, a little) about whom I might, or might not offend.

The overall editing will be a bit spotty as well, as I am without the more-than-capable talents of Sentinel editor Barry Drue to guide me. Which leaves it all on the shoulders of my other editor, one Katy Schutte, wife and number one fan (or so she says). Oh well, you can’t have it all, I guess. I shall strive to do my best.

This blog shall endeavor to be humorous, serious, extroverted and sometimes just plain silly. And if you’re okay with that feel free to let me know. If you’re not, then perhaps this isn’t the place for you.

Here, for as long as I can manage it, will be my column (attempting to be written on a weekly basis). Also included will be pages featuring recipes, random thoughts (hopefully coherent and intelligible), and anything else that amuses me.

My wife Katy will have a page of her own here as well. Contained within will be samples of her photography and her own thoughts put to word, which she likes to call “Life is Like...”

Some (close relatives) have said I like to hear the sound of my own voice. This will be the online equivalent. My iVoice perhaps? Feel free to check in from time-to-time. I’ll try to keep it interesting!


  1. Why, Joe, you called God a "she"!! Welcome to the blogging world, Mr. Schutte, and hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Like your idea about improvising... Will put your blog in Favorites so we can find it easily. Good luck!

  2. I love the way you write, Joe, and I'll look forward to reading your blog each week. Most things I value had humble beginnings and I'm gonna enjoy watching your blog take off. I hope you have fun with it! Standing by...Len

  3. You're right, you have to roll with the punches and make the most you can with what you have...and don't be afraid to take a risk! :-) Risks make life interesting. Good luck in all you do. ~Heidi
