Friday, August 13, 2010

Blah, Blah, Blah

Coping...when life sucks!

There is nothing quite like being without a job to bring everything little thing that’s wrong with your life into the sphere of the extraordinarily overblown and petty. That’s what happens when one has too much time on their hands.

Unemployment sucks.

Suddenly, days that once brought some semblance of peace and harmony to frazzled nerves now hover somewhere between threat-level orange (bills that are only three months past due) to threat-level “oh my god, I just can’t deal with it today” red. It’s hard to step back and detach from the reality of  “here’s what we need” vs “what we can actually afford”. Admittedly, it’s not fair.

But for many it’s the state of today’s reality.

So what do we do? As a collective, we do what we can with whatever’s available to us. In some cases it may be with what little is left. I certainly attempt to do my best under these trying circumstances.

Granted, that may not be enough. Other times it’s just enough to get by. Which isn’t necessarily a win, by the way.

Who do we blame? What do we do?
As frustrating as life can be, or has become, we can’t take out our frustrations on others. That’s not an option. Even if those who deserve it, well, deserve it.

Nor, as a course of remedial action am I advocating holding it in. That’s a heart attack or stroke in the making. If you’re without health insurance that’s just another drain on the already stressed family dynamic. We must find healthy, positive outlets to vent our frustrations and avoid those whose endings ultimately result in community service–or worse.

Channeling Yoda
Does this mean Joe, “lost it, he has?” Nope, that happened a long time ago. I’m going to ride that crest right into the sunset of my life. I’m talking about taking some of our frustrations (negative energy for those with New Age inclinations) out on the ball field, the garden, the next door neighbors aggravating wind-chimes or annoying bug zapper (zzzzzzpth)*.

*Lengthy note to self: leaving an anonymous made-from-scratch pie or something of comparable value in place of the last two mentioned ‘objects d’art’ might be necessary, or prudent. Or at least polite.

Also included in the aforementioned category and a questionably appropriate gesture would be: Giving the finger. This move is only sanctioned as an action of last resort; as long as you’re not seen or so far away as not to be recognized.

This action should not be employed where cops, your ex, or the parish priest/minister/rabbi/head of coven are involved, or within spitting distance. (These pillars of society, no matter how sage, should be avoided at all costs. They just know stuff. Or, have access to any of a number of files compiled under your real (or assumed) name; can arrest you; damn you; or worse, curse you. Not good.)

Let’s scratch those options from our collective consciousness and  file under “Feels good, but short-term benefits far outweighed by long-term consequences”.

In conclusion
My advice, like that of everyone else, is free, and always freely given. Sometimes it’s just easier beating your head against the proverbial, yet hopefully imaginary, wall. No existential pain, but then again, no real gain.